Monday, February 13, 2012

Kichaa Loves: The Weekend

Just a little view of my weekend.   Saturday involved a relaxing day getting buffed and shined at the salon.  I am happy to report that my old winter skin has been scrubbed off and my tootsies are nice and shiny with a new coat of paint.  Went to a fabulous movie theater Saturday night, the kind that serves cocktails and dinner while you watch in your reclining chair (blanket and popcorn provided).  My friend and I saw "My Week with Marilyn".  Michelle Williams is fabulous as Marilyn.  Loved it.

Sunday was a beautiful, sunny day.  So I went to the store and stocked the house with flowers (roses are in for Valentine's Day!).  

While at the store I picked up a few groceries -- you all don't know what a big deal this is -- I NEVER seem to have food in the house!

I also whipped up a batch of Dark Chocolate Brownies with Caramel and Salted Peanuts.  I saw the recipe here and just had to try it.  Alas, my friend who was visiting at the time took the entire pan home before they were cool enough even to cut into!  Nothing says love better than a batch of brownies!

I hung some new artwork.  I love it, by the way.

But I also love my old needlepoint vignette in the hallway upstairs.  A good mix  of old and new.

And since the day was a sunny one, I started contemplating my little garden.  Planning has to start early.  I have four little raised beds and usually keep them full of herbs, tomatoes, and veggies.  Not sure what I'll plant this year but it's fun to start thinking about warmer days and summer bounty.

And as the weekend came to a close, I lit some candles, listened to music, and read until bedtime.  

I hope all of you had a lovely, sunshine-y weekend.  As always, you know I'd love to hear about it!


Image here.

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